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Expense tracking app UI/UX & brand identity

Have a look at the Expense Monitor project designed by our innovative design team. For people that wants to start saving money smartly and effortlessly to avoid tracking each entry manually. In addition, it includes more than 40 categories where it maintains accurate records so users are aware of where all of their money is going. Users can even create new categories if they can't find the right one for their transaction or wish to designate a different category for it.
Users may also set up expense limits, where they can choose an area of focus to set a spending cap, to help them reach their savings goals.
Users can use filters to view past information so they can figure out where they would benefit from financial savings We have designed website and mobile app for better way to manage your expenses. Our team has created this project considering all the UX design principles.
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Expense tracking app UI/UX & brand identity

Expense tracking app UI/UX & brand identity
